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Cleveland Heights High School
Class Of 1974 (and special guests)


20-22 September 2024

By popular demand, registration for the Reunion has been temporarily reopened for the next couple days.  We will finally and permanently close registration at 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, 12 September. 

We are thrilled to share that we currently have nearly 270 persons attending Saturday night's event and nearly 200 registered for both for Friday's Meet and Greet and Sunday's  breakfast, tour, and Memorial Celebration. A record crowd by any measure.

We are all pretty psyched about what we have planned.  This will be a weekend to remember  

Friday and Sunday are completely informal gatherings. On Friday, we  will simply supply the space. Food and beverages are available for purchase from the hotel.  Sunday is breakfast at Heights, a tour of the building, and a simple but special Memorial Celebration to share stories and remember those who have passed  

Saturday is the main event:  Music, food, incredible décor, an emcee, free raffle (a chance to win thousands of Marriott points, wine and other gifts), conversations, adult beverages, giveaways, and dancing.

There is no required attire (this is not intended to be a black tie affair).  Feel free to dress up or be a bit more casual.  The focus of the evening is being together  For those who are concerned that Saturday will be a typical sit down, rubber chicken, plated experience, fuhgeddaboudit!  We’ve got you covered.  No one leaves hungry.  The plan is a buffet or a room of food stations with a wide variety of top notch cuisine. 

One of our classmates had a really insightful observation. She didn’t attend multiple reunions as she figured she sees her friends already and didn’t really mix at Heights with others.  She reluctantly ended up going to the 40th.   She walked in the room and sat down at a table of folks she didn’t know all that well at Heights.  She was blown away by the life stories of many of the other graduates.  The older we get, the more we recognize that we are all novels; individuals who are far more diverse and interesting than you might expect.  The takeaway: don’t hesitate to start a conversation with at least one person you didn’t know well.  It can make for an enriching and memorable evening. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone shortly.

Take care.

Who is Coming

As you will see from the list of registrants, the turnout will be amazing.  Directly to your left, in the column below the pic of JFK, is a button for See Who Will Be at the 50th. Click on the link and you will be taken to a partial list of the Registrants (not including the Plus One Guests of the Registrants).

If your name is on the list of Registrants, thank you and we can't wait to hang out.  Check out our Reunion Facebook page for all the great pics and content (Thank You Caroline (Canning Galanty) for putting it all together). Link at bottom of page.  

Now would be a great time to make sure we have your current email address, phone number, address, and cell.  Make sure your profile and details on this site are correct, and/or shoot us an email

Also, if you know the contact information for any faculty or administrators from '74 that you would like to see invited (and comped of course), just let us know.

The Committee


Welcome to the Cleveland Heights High Class Of 1974 web site. This site was originally set up for the 35th Reunion at Punderson State Park.  It has now become so much more: a gathering place for classmates to share stories, memories, photos, and contact info.  Registration for this SITE is open to any '74 Heights grad or an invited guest and is FREE.



It's easy to register for this site:

1.    Check the list of "Classmate Profiles" on the left hand column of this page;

2.    Click on your name and complete the site registration.  Just about everyone should be listed (even though maiden names and last names might be inverted).

When you sign up to use the site, you will have to go through Four or Five Steps (no, this isn't a chemical dependency treatment program).

3.     If your name is already in the database of the site, Step 1 will ask you to "JOIN HERE."  Use that block, not the "send invite" area below it.  If your name is not in the database, write me an email and I will add you

4.     Step 2 will ask a bunch of questions.  This is actually an important screen.  I would allow classmates to view things, but that's up to you.  However, one of the options at the bottom must be checked or search engines and the public can see your profile.  So, I would suggest that you make sure to check the option that reads:

Profile Visibility:  
  Block the general public and search engines from accessing your Profile details. Note: Checking this option allows only fellow Classmates participating in this site to view your Profile details. Leaving this box unchecked will allow the public to view your Profile details.


You can answer the other questions if you want.

5.     Step 3 gives you the opportunity to add a picture if you want.

6.     Step 4 gives you the opportunity to learn of profile changes of classmates if you want.

Then you can view your profile live.

Only about 1/2 of our class are in the system.  Please call those you know who might be interested in being listed, or send us their phone number or email address and we  will contact them.  If you can't register for the site for any reason, give Brent a call at 612.703.5063 or write him at



Finally, a note on the "In Memory" page.  The names that appear on the page were provided by the Alumni Association, appeared in prior reunion programs, or have been given to us by classmates.  Our humblest apologies for any errors that might appear.  If errors are spotted, please let us know and we will promptly remove the names.  We will also notify the Association when this process is through so that they have the most complete and correct list going forward.


 If you have a class picture (one that shows you and your classmates e.g. Mrs. Morgan's First Grade Class at Taylor), scan it, let us know and email it to us (  We are uploading the pictures to the web site and organizing them by junior high, so, if you went to Belvoir, your class pictures would be on the Pics Wiley Elem page, or if you went to Boulevard, the pictures would appear on the Pics Roosevelt Elem page.  If you went to Taylor, the students went either to Wiley or Roosevelt depending on where they lived so the pictures will be placed in both the Wiley and Roosevelt pages.  This way, everyone can enjoy the photos.  If you can identify the names of the persons in the photo for us, that would be great.  . 

If you have candid photos taken of classmates, send those along and we will add them to the Misc Pics Page.  If you have compromising photos of classmates (especially of me), send them to me just for fun (I won't upload them) ;). 


Anyway, welcome.  Write me if you have any questions or call us 612.703.5063.  Take care.  Brent

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